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Centre of education and career development of young academics from Czech University of Life Sciences Prague and University of Chemistry and Technology Prague

The greatest wealth of any organization is its high-quality employees. However, young academics at Prague universities became a rather volnurable group, due to the continous underfunding of the univerisities as well as the exclusion of Prague universities from the operational programs. The inadequate financing of young academics after their doctoral studies often leads to the flow of the most promising academics to the commercial sector. In the long run, this can lead to sever consequences in the quality of teaching and scientific research. Recently, the fields of study at technical universitites started to dramaticallly expand. This requires highly educated young workers, which are not burdened by rigid teaching practices and are able to effectively implement new technologies in science and research and reflect these in the teaching. Emphasis is not only on sufficient professional skills of young workers, but also on the development of their interpersonal "soft skills", which among other things facilitate career growth. The support of postdoctoral fellows is among the priorities of the both universities envolved in this project.

The aim of the project is to form a center of education and career development of young academics who will benefit from the synergies of chemical and biological fields of CUA in Prague and UCT Prague. The centre will provide training for young academics in teaching skills and enhance the quality of the scientific research training of PhD students.

Sub-objectives of the project are:

  • to improve the conditions of postdoctoral students, and by this motivate the young academics after doctoral studies to continue their education and systematic work in universities, thus minimizing the outflow from the universities
  • to develop teaching skills and soft skills of postdoctoral scholars
  • to enhance the quality of research training of doctoral students
  • to continue cooperation of the envolved universities in the fields of chemical, material, food, agricultural and forestry sectors

The project will support further education of young academics and lead to their professional growth. Postdocs supported within the project will be involved in the training of PhD students and prepare seminars for them. It is expected, that postdocs participating in the projects will faster meet the qualification criteria for their habilitation. As a consequence, this should improve the age-qualification structure of both participating universities and increase their competitiveness in the market for science, research and innovation.

Aktualizováno: 20.3.2015 11:24, Autor: Jitka Čejková

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

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